About us
Sybil Elgar School’s creative approach and performing arts specialism help every autistic child to learn and develop. We have an international reputation for innovation and a progressive approach to education.
Welcome to Sybil Elgar School
It is with pleasure that I welcome you and your child to our progressive, caring school. We offer early years, primary, secondary and sixth form education, to young people on the autism spectrum. From September 2018, we will also be offering education for young people aged 19-22.
When your child comes to Sybil Elgar, they become a member of our family-friendly community. We look after your child with as much care and understanding as you would at home, and we put the needs and welfare of our children above everything else.
Your child will be offered consistent and reliable support. We know that this will help them to learn to the very best of their abilities. Our school is highly structured and we pride ourselves on the warm, welcoming place we have created, where children feel valued and safe. We provide differentiated access to the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum, and to our very successful creative arts curriculum.
At Sybil Elgar we are always looking for innovative ways to inspire your child and to address their specific learning requirements. We aim to provide your child with the confidence and skills they need to find enjoyment and fulfilment in what they do. We constantly strive to help them achieve their full potential, ready for adult life.
Please come and visit us, see our facilities and meet our team. We look forward to seeing you.
Chloe Phillips
Principal of Sybil Elgar School
School facts
- Ofsted Education: Outstanding
- Autism Accreditation: Outstanding
- EYFS, primary, secondary, sixth form and 19-22
- Ages 4-22
- Girls and boys
- 74 day places
- On-site school psychologist, behaviour coordinators, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist
- Minimum staff to student ratio of 1:2.5
- A maximum of eight students in a class. Classes are matched in terms of peer relationships and ability
- Teaching and caring for children on the autism spectrum since 1965
Sybil Elgar is an independent National Autistic Society school. We cater for autistic children aged 4-22 who have an education, health and care plan (EHC).
At Sybil Elgar we specialise in autism. We stand out because every person who cares for and educates your child in our school is fully trained in autism.
We understand how autism affects your child, and we have over 50 years’ experience and knowledge to draw on to help them to learn, thrive and take their full place in the world as adults.
Whatever the learning capabilities of your child, we will help them make progress and if applicable achieve qualifications including ASDAN and OCR.
Sybil Elgar School is on two sites in West London.
Our early years, primary and secondary site, known as Havelock Road, is in Southall. It is in a residential area next to the local primary school and is light, spacious, modern and welcoming. We offer an average class size of no more than eight children – often our classes are much smaller, with two or three children. There is lots of one-to-one support as well.
Our 16-22 provision is in a separate, secure building, an 18th-century villa in Acton historically called 'The Woodlands', set next to a small public park which used to form part of the larger estate. Our provision is known as Woodlands.
Woodlands is in an excellent location for our students, being only a few minutes’ walk from the amenities of Acton.