Our school policies and procedures
We believe that all pupils, including those identified as having special educational needs or a disability, should have full access to all aspects of school life. Through planning, specialist approaches and support, we aim to deliver a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that enables all students to progress.
We seek to eradicate prejudice and discrimination and provide a tolerant environment in which students feel safe, develop confident positive self-images and are enabled to achieve.
We are committed to the need both to eliminate unlawful discrimination and to promote equality for students, but also for staff and others using school facilities. As such, we ensure equality of opportunity in line with the Equality Act 2010. We reduce disadvantages, discrimination and inequalities of opportunity, and promote diversity in terms of our students, our workforce and the community in which we work. We also aim to foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who do share a protected characteristic and people who do not.
We have policies and procedures that set out how we work with you and your child. We are always happy to explain or discuss them with you.
NAS Academies Trust policies
Most policies are produced by the NAS Academies Trust and can also be downloaded from the Trust's policy page. Academies Trust health and safety policies can also be found here. Additional, local policies specific to our school are also listed below. To request a paper copy of a policy, please contact the school.
- Accessibility in schools policy
- Admissions policy
- Anti-bullying policy
- Attendance policy
- Audited accounts
- Behaviour policy
- Careers, education and guidance policy
- Complaints policy
- Data protection policy
- Diet, nutrition, food and drink policy
- Educational visits and trips policy
- Equal opportunities policy
- Exclusion policy
- Health and safety policy
- Local governing bodies terms of reference
- Master funding agreement
- Missing child policy
- Online safety policy
- Personal and social development policy
- Positive behaviour support policy
- Quality of life framework curriculum policy
- Recruitment policy
- Relationships and sex education policy
- Religious education and collective worship policy
- Scheme of delegation
- School policy renewal approval process
- School staff making home visits policy
- Special education needs and inclusion policy
- Staff supervision and management policy
- Supporting behaviour in schools
- Supported home learning policy
- Supporting students with medical needs
- Supplemental funding agreement
- Use of restrictive practice in NAS schools and services (policy and procedure)
- Visitors to school policy
- Wellbeing and mental health support in schools
- Whistleblowing policy
- Privacy Notice – school or college representative contact details for managing delivery of Covid-19 testing
- Health and safety statement of intent
- Risk management policy NASAT012a
- Risk assessment policy NASAT012b
- Fire safety policy NASAT012d
- Gas safety policy NASAT012e
- Control of contractors policy NASAT012f
- Infection control policy NASAT012g
- Driver and vehicle policy NASAT012h
- Electricity policy NASAT012
- Health and safety and communication policy NASAT012j
- Lone working policy NASAT012k
- Manual handling policy NASAT012l
- Working at heights policy NASAT012m
- Personal safety policy NASAT012n
- Hot water and surfaces policy NASAT012o
- Display screen equipment policy NASAT012p
- Controlled substances policy NASAT012q
- Legionnaires' disease policy NASAT012r
- Smoking policy NASAT012s
- First aid policy NASAT012t
- Food safety policy NASAT012u
- Audit of health and safety systems and practices policy NASAT012v
- Safety inspections policy NASAT012w
- Legionnaires disease precaution NASAT012y
- Accident investigation and reporting policy NASAT012x
- Anti-bullying and promoting positive relationships policy
- Appraisal and performance management policy
- Assessment recording and reporting policy
- Attendance policy
- Behaviour for learning policy
- Capability policy
- Careers education strategy
- Charging policy
- Collective worship policy
- Community cohesion policy
- Disability discrimination and accessibility strategy
- Emergency closure policy
- Equality policy
- Equality information and objectives
- First aid policy
- Food policy
- Governors allowances polices
- Grievance procedure
- Harassment policy
- Health and safety policy
- Pay progression policy
- Premises management policy
- Privacy notice policy
- Publication of information policy
- School curriculum policy
- Social media policy
- Special Education Needs Report
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural policy
- Staff absence policy
- Staff health and wellbeing policy
- Supported home learning procedure
- Visitor policy
- Visits and trips policy
- ICT Acceptable Use & E-Safety Policy
- Information about online safety guidance for parents
- Information about keeping safe online
- Information about online radicalisation
- Information about Discord for Parents/Carers
- Information about Facebook for Parents/Carers
- Information about Instagram for Parents/Carers
- Information about Snapchat for Parents/Carers
- Information about Triller for Parents/Carers
- Safer Internet Day – conversation starters for parents and carers
- Safer Internet Day – factsheet for parents and carers
- Safer Internet Day – presentation for parents and carers