Policies and procedures
Church Lawton School has policies and procedures that set out how we work with you and your child. We are always happy to explain or discuss them with you.
Listed below are all the policies of the school. All policies are produced under the NAS Academies Trust and can be downloaded from the Trust policy page. In addition, download our annual report.
- Accessibility in schools policy
- Admissions policy
- Anti-bullying policy
- Attendance policy
- Annual report
- Behaviour policy
- Careers Education and Guidance
- Code of conduct
- Complaints policy
- Data protection policy
- Diet, nutrition, food and drink policy
- Education, visits and trips policy
- Equal opportunities policy
- Exclusion policy
- Financial scheme of delegation
- Governance plan and scheme of delegation
- Health and safety policy
- Master funding agreement
- Medication procedures
- Missing child policy
- Online safety policy
- Personal, social, health and economic policy
- Parents and schools in partnership policy
- Quality of life framework curriculum policy
- Recruitment policy
- Religious education and collective worship policy
- Relationships and sex education policy
- RPI policy
- Safeguarding children policy
- School staff making home visits policy
- SEND and inclusion policy
- Supplemental funding agreement
- Supported home learning policy
- Supporting students with medical needs
- Use of restrictive practice in NAS schools and services (policy and procedure)
- Visitors to school policy
- Wellbeing and mental health support in schools
- Whistleblowing policy and procedure
- Risk management policy NASAT012a
- Risk assessment policy NASAT012b
- Fire safety policy NASAT012d
- Gas safety policy NASAT012e
- Control of contractors policy NASAT012f
- Infection control policy NASAT012g
- Driver and vehicle policy NASAT012h
- Electricity policy NASAT012
- Health and safety and communication policy NASAT012j
- Lone working policy NASAT012k
- Manual handling policy NASAT012l
- Working at heights policy NASAT012m
- Personal safety policy NASAT012n
- Hot water and surfaces policy NASAT012o
- Display screen equipment policy NASAT012p
- Controlled substances policy NASAT012q
- Legionnaires' disease policy NASAT012r
- Smoking policy NASAT012s
- First Aid policy NASAT012t
- Food safety policy NASAT012u
- Audit of health and safety systems and practices policy NASAT012v
- Safety inspections policy NASAT012w
- Legionnaires disease precaution NASAT012y
- Accident investigation and reporting policy NASAT012x
- Access policy
- Accessibility plan
- Acceptable use of IT policy
- Adults in school confidentiality policy
- Anti-bullying procedure
- Assessment and recording procedure
- Attendance procedure
- Behaviour policy
- CCTV Policy
- Charging and remissions policy
- CLS Career Policy
- Curriculum statement
- Early years policy
- Educational visits and community-based learning
- Emergency response procedure
- Equality information and Objectives
- Exclusion policy
- Exam system contingency plan
- Examination and appeals policy
- Fire policy for visitors
- Fire safety procedures arrangements and responsibility policy
- First aid policy
- Guidance on transferring CP records
- GDPR/privacy notice for pupils
- GDPR/data protection policy
- Information about remote education
- Internal moderation policy
- Lettings policy
- Local offer submission
- Managing of medicines
- Marking procedure
- Malpractice and maladministration policy
- Nurture policy
- PREVENT duty referral protocol
- Procedure for annual review
- Provider access policy
- Remote learning policy
- Safeguarding students policy
- SEN information report
- Sex and relationships policy
- Social media policy
- Student appeals policy