Our school policies and procedures
Radlett Lodge School has policies and procedures that set out how we work with you and your child. The links below will take you to the formal documents describing our policies and procedures. We are always happy to explain or discuss them with you.
- Accessibility in schools
- Admissions, remissions and exclusions policy – children and young people
- Anti-bullying in schools and children and young people's services
- Attendance policy
- Behaviour policy
- Business continuity policy
- Careers education and guidance policy
- Complaints policy
- Equal opportunities in NAS education services policy
- Educational visits and trips policy
- Diet, nutrition, food and drink policy
- GDPR information - Privacy statement for staff & privacy statement for parents/carers
- Health and safety policy
- Medication appendices index
- Medication management standard
- Medication procedures
- Missing child policy
- Parents and schools in partnership policy
- Personal, social, health and economics
- Positive Behaviour Support Policy
- Quality of life framework curriculum policy
- Relationships and sex education policy
- Religious education and collective worship
- Safeguarding adults policy
- Safeguarding children policy
- SEND and inclusion policy
- School sports recreation and lesuire policy
- School staff making home visits policy
- Staff code of conduct policy
- Supporting behaviour in schools policy
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy
- Supported home learning policy
- Use of restrictive physical interventions policy
- Visitors to school policy
- Wellbeing and mental health support in schools
- Whistleblowing policy