Our school policies and procedures
Robert Ogden School has policies and procedures that set out how we work with you and your child.
The National Autistic Society's policies apply to all their schools and we have some local policies and procedures for Robert Ogden School – they will all automatically download when you click on them.
We are always happy to explain or discuss them with you.
Admissions, remissions and exclusions
Anti-bullying in schools and children and young people's services
Careers education and guidance
Diet, nutrition, food and drink
Equal opportunities in education
Medication management standard
Parents and schools in partnership
Personal, social, health and economics
Quality of life curriculum framework policy
Relationships and sex education
Religious education and collective worship
School policy approval renewal process
School sports recreation and lesuire policy
School staff making home visits
Special educational needs and inclusion policy
Supporting pupils with medical needs
Supporting behaviour in school policy
Use of restrictive practice in NAS schools and services (policy and procedure)
Diet, nutrition, food and drink
Form from parent - to accompany medicines
Missing or absent child procedure
Online safety code of conduct (with symbols)
Online safety code of practice for use of the school network by pupils
Online Safety - school policy and procedure
Relationships and sex education policy
Supporting statement for theme days
Teaching children who speak English as an additional language (EAL)