
Autism Service Directory

Autism and Early Years Intervention Team

Main information

Type of service: Outreach - education

The Autism and Early Years Intervention Team accepts referrals from mainstream schools and nurseries and private, voluntary and independent sector settings. Referrals can be made for children on the autism spectrum, throughout the primary school - with a diagnosis of autism, or for children with special educational needs (SEN) in the Early Years. After initial meetings, followed by observations a programme of intervention is created, dependent upon the child's needs. We use a mixed model approach which can be integrated into one of the following: an intensive programme with a Specialist Nursery Officer (time limited and managed by a Specialist teacher); weekly intervention from a Specialist Teacher; half termly visits to review recommendations; and training for school staff We have regular interviews with the SENCOs, class teachers and any other staff involved. Where appropriate, parents are invited to attend the meetings. We also liaise with other professionals eg Speech and Language Therapists; Occupational Therapists; and Educational Psychologists. Approaches and interventions used: TEACCH; PECS; Makaton; Jump Ahead; Visual supports eg timetables; Consistent Approach plans; Transition support; Art therapy; Aspects of Portage; and Social stories.


Age: From age 2 to 11

Aimed at: Child

Registrations & Approaches

Other specialisms: Challenging behaviour, Learning disability

Provided by

Kensington & Chelsea London Borough Council

The local authority provides children’s services, education, adult social care, housing support, cul...

Kensington & Chelsea London Borough Council

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You can contact us by phone email or post.

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Christa Morley - Specialist Teacher

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020 8960 2452

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