
Autism Service Directory

Cavendish School After-School and Drop-Off Clubs

Main information

Type of service: Play and leisure, Respite and short breaks

Cavendish School is a day school for pupils aged 11-19 with complex learning difficulties. The school offers an after-school club and a 'Saturday Drop Off Club'. The aim of the Clubs is to extend respite opportunities to parents of children with learning difficulties in Halton and, in particular, Runcorn. The Clubs run throughout the year with only Christmas and Easter Bank Holiday weekend closure. Referrals are through the school although Social Services will be informed due to the funding structures.


Age: From age 2 to 19

Aimed at: Adolescent , Child

Registrations & Approaches

Specialisms: Generic

Other specialisms: Challenging behaviour, Learning disability

Provided by

Cavendish High School

Cavendish School is a purpose built day special school for pupils with severe and complex learning d...

Cavendish High School

Find out more


You can contact us by phone email or post.

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Celia Dickinson - Head Teacher
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01928 561706
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Cavendish School, Lincoln Close, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4YX
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