
Autism Service Directory

Croft Community School

Main information

Type of service: Day schools, Schools

This is a local authority (LA) special school catering for pupils with moderate learning disabilities (MLD), complex needs and autism including high functioning autism. Approximately 20-25 per cent of our pupils have autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The majority of these pupils access our enhanced provision which has two classes, Key Stages 2-3 (KS2-3) and KS3-4. Pupils access teaching across the whole curriculum, with support, and the curriculum is enhanced to address social communication needs. Pupils also have access to occupational therapy (OT) programmes including sensory programmes and fine motor skills development. The school works with a range of agencies to promote the well being of pupils.


Age: From age 5 to 16

Aimed at: Adolescent , Child , Young person

Registrations & Approaches

Specialisms: Generic

Other specialisms: Challenging behaviour, Learning disability

Provided by

Durham County Council

Your local authority provides children’s services, education, adult social care, housing support, cu...

Durham County Council

Find out more


You can contact us by phone email or post.

Speech Icon
Simon Adams - Head Teacher
Phone Icon
01207 234547
Mail Icon


Marker Icon
Greencroft Road End, Annfield Plain, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 8PR
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