
Autism Service Directory

Leisure for Autism

Main information

Type of service: Play and leisure

A Greater Manchester charity that supports school age children with autism spectrum disorders and their families by providing structured play schemes during the school holidays. Helps children who either can't cope with mainstream play schemes or who are refused entry to them because of their challenging behaviour. Provides a safe environment in which their unique needs can be met, supported by a high ratio of specialist, experienced staff. Offers a range of indoor and outdoor activities both on-site and off-site, such as swimming and visiting country parks. Referrals are from social services, schools, other providers and self-referrals. Volunteers sometimes work with users of Leisure for Autism - volunteers with some experience of autism are preferred, but training can be provided.


Age: From age 5 to 19

Aimed at: Adolescent , Child

Registrations & Approaches

Specialisms: Exclusively autism specific


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