
Autism Service Directory

Modus Care Ltd

Main information

Type of service: Service providers

The company aims to be a leading provider of bespoke health and residential services for people with autistic spectrum disorders, including Asperger syndrome and associated mental health needs. This will be achieved through working closely with statutory services and in partnership with clients, their families and carers. Referrals to Modus Care services can be made through NHS Consultants, Private Organisations, Independent Medical Practitioners, Courts, Care Managers and Social Workers.


Age: From age 18 to 64

Aimed at: Adult

Registrations & Approaches

Specialisms: Has autism-specific elements

All services from this provider


    You can contact us by phone email or post.

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    01626 899930
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    Penhayes, Kenton, Exeter, Devon, EX6 8JB
    Inclusion in the Directory does not imply endorsement of a service by the National Autistic Society. Please read our full disclaimer for details.