Mole Valley CAMHS
Main information
Type of service: Diagnostic services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Assessment procedure: Initial triage interview with parents/carers and child. Assessment one hour and follow up appointments as necessary. Clinic sessions + liaison/information from other agencies. Education. Support to parents re family and parenting issues and managing behaviour.
Follow up service: Yes: clinic sessions.
Multi-disciplinary assessment: Yes: clinical psychologist; psychiatry; social worker; child and adolescent psychotherapist; family therapist.
Age: For people of any age
Aimed at: Adolescent , Child
Referral Sources: NHS Only
Registrations & Approaches
Other specialisms: ASD, Autistic spectrum disorders, Challenging behaviour, Learning disability
Provided by
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Find out moreContacts
You can contact us by phone email or post.