
Autism Service Directory


Main information

Type of service: Online services, Suppliers of products

MyStudyBar is part of the EduApps family of free software to support teaching and and learning. it is a tool which helps overcome problems that students commonly experience with studying, reading, writing and planning. The tool consists of a set of free software applications and provides learning support at the desktop. You can use MyStudyBar straight from a USB stick (if, for example, you are using a machine that is not your own) or you can install it directly to the desktop. MyStudyBar is similar to popular commercial programs which use a floating toolbar to support literacy. Includes applications for mind mapping, screen masking, word prediction, talking dictionary, text-to-speech, voice recognition and more.


Age: For people of any age

Aimed at: Adolescent , Adult , Child


You can contact us by phone email or post.

Phone Icon
0131 559 4112


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JISC Regional Support Centre, Scotland North and East, PO Box 23945, Edinburgh, EH5 9AD
Inclusion in the Directory does not imply endorsement of a service by the National Autistic Society. Please read our full disclaimer for details.