Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
Main information
Type of service: Family support and information services
Service URL:
The Ombudsman looks to see whether people have been treated unfairly or inconsiderately, or have received a bad service through some fault on the part of the public body providing it. Putting that in more official terms, his main role is to look into complaints made by members of the public that they have suffered hardship or injustice through maladministration or service failure on the part of a public body within his jurisdiction. The Ombudsman can look into complaints about local government, National Health Service organisations - including general practitioners (GPs) - housing associations and the Welsh Assembly Government.
Age: For people of any age
Aimed at: Adult , Adult sibling, Parent/carer of a child, Parent/carer of a young person, Parent/carer of an adult, Partner, Professional, Volunteer
Registrations & Approaches
Specialisms: Generic
Other specialisms: Challenging behaviour, Learning disability
You can contact us by phone email or post.