
Autism Service Directory

Solihull Action through Advocacy (SAtA)

Main information

Type of service: Advocacy (general)

Solihull Action through Advocacy is a small independent advocacy service providing advocacy to adults with a learning disability in Solihull. It caters for people living in Solihull or any where under the responsibility of Solihull Local Authority. For contact details please go to:


Age: For people of any age

Aimed at: Adult

Registrations & Approaches

Specialisms: Generic, Staff and volunteers get autism awareness training

Other specialisms: Challenging behaviour, Community care, Criminal justice, Education, Employment, Learning disability, Mental capacity


You can contact us by phone email or post.

Speech Icon
Nicky Hopkins - Advocacy Manager
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0121 706 4696
Mail Icon


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Bank House, Warwick Road, Olton, Solihull, West Midlands, B37 7US
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