
Autism Service Directory

Stephanie Kucan Occupational Therapy

Main information

Type of service: Interventions and therapies, Social skills

Stephanie Kucan is an Independent Paediatric Occupational Therapist with sensory integration training, with experience of working with children on the autistic spectrum or with DCD/Dyspraxia. She focuses on the whole child and in understanding and celebrating their strengths as well as in understanding and helping to overcome the obstacles they have in daily life. She uses a combination of standardised assessments and clinical/play-based observations in the assessment process..

Stephanie Kucan can make home visits or visit a client's nursery, school or college, provide independent expert reports and attend tribunals/educational appeal committees. .


Age: For people of any age

Aimed at: Child

Registrations & Approaches

Other specialisms: Learning disability


You can contact us by phone email or post.

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Stephanie Kucan - Occupational Therapist
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07833 500369
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Oxford, OX1
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