The Shrubberies School
Main information
Type of service: Assessment, Day schools, Outreach - education, Schools
The Shrubberies is an all-age school for pupils with severe learning disabilities (SLD) and profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). It has an 'integrated' approach with PMLD/pupils with autism within classes. It has strong links with the local community and employs an outreach worker to support individual pupils with integration sessions within local mainstream schools. The school has projects involving integration between groups of pupils and mainstream peers for drama, physical education (PE) and outdoor pursuits. It has a positive and relaxed atmosphere in which all individual achievements are celebrated. Staff are also trained in Team Teach. Volunteers may be accepted to work with the pupils.
Age: From age 2 to 19
Aimed at: Adolescent , Child
Registrations & Approaches
Specialisms: Generic
Other specialisms: Challenging behaviour, Learning disability
Provided by
Gloucestershire County Council
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Gloucestershire County Council
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