
Autism Service Directory

Turning Point Scotland - Inverclyde Service

Main information

Type of service: Outreach, Supported living schemes

Supports people with learning disabilities and/or autism to live in their own homes either by themselves, or sharing with others. All service users have: a support agreement; support plans detailing their needs, wants and wishes; key workers to coordinate their support; a key to their house; their own bedroom; their own tenancy agreement; individualised support in areas such as accessing healthcare and carrying out everyday household tasks.

Inverclyde Social Opportunities supports a number of service users who have a learning disability and/or autism. Uses a person centred approach to deliver an alternative to traditional day services, with activities planned on an individual basis to reflect the interests and passions of the individual. Provides people with support to access opportunities within their own community, such as: college courses and activities; leisure and education; activities at community centres; and sport and creative activities through local clubs etc. All service users have supports plans detailing their needs, wants and wishes, and key workers to coordinate their support.

Accepts volunteers.


Age: For people of any age

Aimed at: Adult

Covers: Inverclyde

Registrations & Approaches

Specialisms: Has autism-specific elements

Other specialisms: Challenging behaviour, Learning disability

Provided by

Turning Point Scotland

Turning Point Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland. It tackles social exclusion by providing...

Turning Point Scotland

Find out more


You can contact us by phone email or post.

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Aldo Marrone - Service Manager
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01475 729124
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Argyle St, Greenock, PA15 1XA
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