
Autism Service Directory

Woodview Child Development Centre (CDC)

Main information

Type of service: Diagnostic services, Child Development Centres (CDC)

The Centre is based in Widnes with a borough wide footprint. A range of services work out of the centre: the Child Development Team, Commmunity Nursing Team, Community paediatric physiotherapy and occupational therapy, SLD Challenging behaviour service. A number of outreach clinics are delivered from the centre, e.g. paediatric neurology, neonatal follow up, community audiology. The teams within the centre work within a multi-disciplinary and multi-agency context, and there are a number of agreed pathways for children and young people with complex needs. Referrals to the services located within the centre are by referral from health professionals or early years practitioners.

Multi-disciplinary assessment: Yes, the multidisciplinary team involves professionals from psychiatry (CAMHS) educational psychology, speech and language therapy, specialist teachers, integrated behaviour support, community paediatrics, portage,.


Age: For people of any age

Aimed at: Adolescent , Child

Referral Sources: NHS Only

Registrations & Approaches

Specialisms: Generic


You can contact us by phone email or post.

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Joan Ward - Manager
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0151 495 5400
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Crow Wood Health Park, Crow Wood Lane, Widnes, WA8 3LZ
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