
Autism Service Directory

Yew Trees

Main information

Type of service: Respite and short breaks

Yew Trees aims to provide 'personalised, responsive and regular short-term breaks' focusing upon supporting young people and working towards greater independence. Service users are disabled young people (16-21 years) with physical and/or learning disabilities living in North Derbyshire. Yew Trees cannot accommodate young people with complex nursing care needs. Referral is usually via Social Services. Residential respite is provided (four beds plus one emergency bed). Seven different activity groups (evenings/weekends) meet on a fortnightly basis with a maximum of 16 young people per group. Regular respite is provided. Yew Trees may be able to offer one weekend per month and one to two nights per fortnight. Yew Trees is a purpose built bungalow located in Chesterfield town centre. Social Services and Education fund transport to and from school/college. A minibus is used for outings. There is no charge for under 18's, however, over 18's are levied the Social Services charge for accommodation (some of this is refundable). Yew Trees is run by six full time staff, six part time staff and four volunteers. The Project Manager has social work and management qualifications, all other workers have or are doing social care NVQ level 3. Yew Trees provides a range of in-house (lifting, social care) and external (child protection) training courses. All staff have been police checked and receive 10 supervisory sessions per year. Volunteers may be accepted to work with service users.


Age: From age 16 to 21

Aimed at: Adolescent , Adult

Registrations & Approaches

Other specialisms: Learning disability

Provided by

Action for Children

Action for Children is committed to helping the most vulnerable and neglected children and young peo...

Action for Children

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You can contact us by phone email or post.

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01246 277 838
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Yew Trees, Queen Street, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S40 4SF
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