Meet k
Before you entered the Autism at Work programme, for how long were you out of work?
Before I entered the Autism at Work Programme, I had been out of work for 12 years.
How did you get involved with Autism at Work?
As an insomniac, I regularly log on to the National Autistic Society's website to read a wide range of topics such as National Autistic Society activities, health and wellbeing, general chit-chat among members, and other helpful material for autistics. I had also while being unemployed taken a number of online courses in Java programming and web development. As my interest in IT grew I came across an Autism at Work advert for possible training opportunities in Information Security and submitted my CV.
How did you get your role at Virgin Red?
After submitting my CV, I received an invitation from the National Autistic Society to apply for an internship with the Data Team at Virgin Red. I duly applied and was invited to an interview. During the interview process I had, sitting beside me, a National Autistic Society staff member who had come purposely to support me. The knowledge that I had someone "in my corner" gave me enormous confidence to perform well and be successful at the interview.
What skills did you work on with your job coach?
Before the interview, I was a complete bag of nerves and hyperventilating. My Job Coach, who arrived not long after the National Autistic Society Support staff, told me to take deep breaths and not to rush to answer questions during the impending interview. The effect of this was a transformation to a palpable calmness that wasn't there before. The interview was successful and I got the role!
Prior to starting work, I had a number of sessions with my Job Coach in preparation for my internship, where we covered what to do given a number of workplace scenarios. Other topics included first aid advice and strategies on how to bring my insomnia and anxiety under control, plus guidance on topics like appropriate dressing for work and keeping personal hygiene.
For the duration of my internship we had regular periodic meetings where my general well-being was paramount and we discussed how the internship was going.
How was your experience of working as an intern at Virgin Red?
It was a very positive experience. National Autistic Society had arranged an appropriate seating position in the office for me, and the Data Team at Virgin Red treated me as a full-blown member and were generous with their time and skills in training me. Virgin Red as a whole were very welcoming and provided me with every training resource imaginable. I was treated well, supported and helped all the way, and at no time did I feel discriminated against or stereotyped.
What skills and confidence have you developed from entering the Autism at Work Programme?
As an introduction to real-life, real-situation modern data-centric culture and its practical applications, I have gained extremely valuable experience and knowledge of current data analysis, data engineering and data science methods and practices.
I am now confident in my abilities and know precisely where my boundaries are with respect to my capabilities, thus enabling realistic, down-to-earth planning for the future.
*K did not want us to use his full name.
Autism at Work programme
We support employers across a wide range of industries to create accessible job opportunities.
Job opportunities
Through our Autism at Work programme we work with employers to create accessible job opportunities.